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SELEGGT GmbH has developed a worldwide unique, patented method for sex determination in hatching eggs. This will prevent the killing of millions of male day-old chicks in the future. Anyone who tries something like this is particularly keen to create transparency for the consumer.


For this reason, the company SELEGGT, together with YOUKI, has developed a block-chain-based method for checking the supply chain. This is to ensure that the eggs "without chick killing" really come from a production "without chick killing".


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SELEGGT GmbH has developed a worldwide unique, patented method for sex determination in hatching eggs. This will prevent the killing of millions of male day-old chicks in the future. Anyone who tries something like this is particularly keen to create transparency for the consumer.


For this reason, the company SELEGGT, together with YOUKI, has developed a block-chain-based method for checking the supply chain. This is to ensure that the eggs "without chick killing" really come from a production "without chick killing".


Hier finden Blühpaten „ihre“ Landwirte – und umgekehrt

Combayn bringt alle zusammen, die aktiv etwas für den Umweltschutz in ihrer Region tun wollen: Stadtbewohner und sonstige Natur-Begeisterte, die sich für die gezielte Förderung von Blühflächen interessieren – und Landwirte, die einen Teil ihres Ackerlands in eine Blühfläche umgewandelt haben oder in der nächsten Saison eine Blühfläche anlegen möchten

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